Ryan Shoots First: The Acolyte (S1 Ep6) “Teach/Corrupt”
This show might as well be called Star Wars: A Blue Balls Story cause every week they drip-feed us the answers to the mystery! Last week’s episode was the high of the season so far. It’s...
This show might as well be called Star Wars: A Blue Balls Story cause every week they drip-feed us the answers to the mystery! Last week’s episode was the high of the season so far. It’s...
Wow. wow. wow, after the cliffhanger of last week, this week’s episode of The Acolyte goes straight to 100 as the Jedi engage in their attack on this mysterious figure. In the build-up to the premiere,...
Well, if you have been plugged in at all to standard Star Wars discourse online you may have been shocked to fire up the Disney+ app and sure enough Star Wars is not dead! Sure enough,...
Last week we saw the big premiere of the new Disney + Star Wars show, The Acolyte, and you will never believe it but the reactions were mixed! Well, most liked it but a very vocal...
It’s that fresh Star Wars feeling here at the Campbell house as The Acolyte arrives on Disney+. More than most shows I have tried to avoid watching a lot of the featurettes and “first looks” for...
What a season. If you have read any of my reviews of the past episodes you know how much a spiritual experience this season has been. A return to form for Star Wars as a whole....
They got me! After two absolutely amazing weeks, I anticipated this week to be the letdown. The synopsis read of Hera having to deal with the New Republic backlash and while I was perfectly fine seeing...
Oh if you were like myself wondering “How on earth could they ever hope to follow up that episode last week?” Well how about some mega reveals? The episode started slow and at first, I was...
I always thought “The Siege of Mandalore” would be my favorite non-film Star Wars content but nothing is the same as it was 45 minutes ago. Holy crap that episode was pure art. I can’t tell...
Man, this show gives you everything you want as a Star Wars fan and this week marks a significant moment in the future of Star Wars. Literally, we are on our way to a brand new...