terry crews

Bullet Points: The 6th Day

I suspect it was some time after True Lies, that re-watching Arnold Schwarzenegger classics like Predator and Commando took precedent over keeping up with Arnold’s mid-90’s and beyond movie releases. This would explain why up until...

Election Day Special

After an election season that has been one long nightmare, millions of living and deceased Americans will visit the polls today to elect the next person to stand in front of hundreds of cameras and shrug...

Bullet Points: Gamer

Gerard Butler is an actor who I have always liked. I know he doesn’t get much support elsewhere. People seem to have liked him in 300 but after that he doesn’t get much of a good...

The Essentials: NFL Action Stars

Now that NFL Week 1 is over with and my fantasy team is utterly broken, I felt it was a good time to put together my list of some of the best NFL – Action stars....